Product Info

  • Author: James Hyde
  • Publisher: James Speirs
  • Publication Date: 1898
  • Total Pages: 328

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An Exposition of the Prophecy of Joel

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An Exposition of the Prophecy of Joel According to the Principles of the New Church



Joel's place in History.-The only definite statement of personal history with which the prophet Joel supplies us is, that he was 'the son of Pethuel,' and concerning Pethuel the Scriptures are otherwise silent. Unless we regard the external form of thc prophecy as relating historic occurrences in enigmatic characters, we can fix upon no period of Judah's history with certainty as that which this prophet must occupy.

It is generally allowed that Joel's message was especially for the people of Judah, because the principal geographical references are to Jerusalem and its immediate environs, It is in Zion that the trumpet is to be sounded which calls the people together; it is "the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem" that gives point to the concluding forecast; it is from Mount Zion and Jerusalem that deliverance shall come; it is the sons of Judah and Jerusalem who were sold into exile, and it is the valley of Jehoshaphat that supplies the ex machina for the judgment of the nations. While Judah is mentioned in the small compass of this book six times, Jerusalcm six times, and Zion seven times, Israel is referred to only thrice: and then ill such a manner as to make it apparent that the name is employed as descriptive of thc twelve tribes, and not the separated ten, In each case wherein Israel is mentioned, Judah is understood as embraced. Neither is any city or speciality of the northern kingdom selected for particular mention. It may be just, then, to conclude that the message of this vigorous prophet was directed immediately to the people of Judah, if not delivered in Jerusalem itself...

Table of Contents


INTRODUCTION, ...................................... 1

JOEL'S PLACE IN HISTORY, ........................... 1

JOEL'S PLACE AMONG THE PROPHETS, ................... 18

TRANSLATION, ....................................... 31

EXPOSITION, ........................................ 38

   CHAPTER I., ..................................... 41

   CHAPTER II., .................................... 138

   CHAPTER III., ................................... 253

SUMMARY OF THE INTERNAL SENSE, ..................... 322

INDEX OF WORDS, .................................... 325

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