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- Author: The Rev. Arthur Hodson Searle
- Edition: 2nd
- Publisher: Swedenborg Society
- Date: 1954
- Total Pages: 321
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General Index to Swedenborg's Scripture Quotations
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SEARLE'S Index, as the General Index to Swedenborg's Scripture Quotations, published by the Rev. A. H. Searle, has come to be known, has proved a useful compilation, especially to the New Church, during the last 70 years, and a second edition is now called for.
This new and corrected edition remains substantially Searle's Index, but paragraph sub-division numbers as introduced by the Rev. J. F. Potts, B.A., into his Swedenborg Concordance and incorporated into subsequent edition of the Writings, have now been included.
Another departure from Mr. Searle's practice is the removal of the double references to the verse numbers of the Word which occur in certain portions of the Index where Swedenborg's enumeration differed from that of the Authorised Version. In this edition, the Authorised Version notation alone has been retained throughout.
All those who have collaborated in the preparation of this new edition of the Index earnestly hope that its usefulness has been enhanced.
IN compiling this Index to Swedenborg's Scripture Quotations, we have based ourselves on the Index General by Le Boys des Guays, published at Saint-Amand in 1859. We have, however, excluded from our Index the references to the Adversaria, because that work belongs altogether to Swedenborg's preparatory stage. For the same reason we have thought it unnecessary to include references to the explanations contained in the Index Biblicus, which work has become accessible only since the appearance of M. des Guays' Index. We have also omitted the variousletters which were affixed to the numbers in Le Boys des Guays' Index to indicate the fullness or brevity of Swedenborg's citations and explanations; contenting ourselves with printing those numbers which contain a quotation of the words of the text in blacker type than those which contain mere references to chapter and verse.
On the other hand, we have added references to several small treatises and letters not included in M. des Guays' Index. We hav.e also indicated the various works by the initials of their English titles, except in the case of those which have not as yet been translated ;-these we have designated by their Latin titles. And when the same text is cited in several works, we have indexed the citations in the chronological order of the works in which they occur.
Another feature of this Index consists in the introduction of references to the explanations of each verse in Genesis and Exodus in the Arcana Caelestia, and of the Apocalypse in the Apocalypse Revealed and the Apocalypse Explained; these serial citations we have indexed under their respective verses before the references from the other Writings.
In the absence of any uniformly adopted subdivision of the long numbers in the Apocalypse Explained, we have considered it useful to add references to the pages of the photolithographic edition*-the fundamental edition-of that work.
The division of chapters and verses in the text of the Bible has presented some difficulty. For Swedenborg quoted now from one edition of the Bible and now from another, giving the numbers of chapters and verses just as they stood in whichever edition he happened to quote from at the time.
The confusion thence resulting we have done away with by verifying and where necessary correcting every citation in accordance with a uniform standard of notation :-this standard, for all the books of the Old Testament except Genesis and Exodus, is the notation in the Latin column of Schmidt's Hebrew-Latin Bible published in 1740-the edition most frequently used by Swedenborg, and for the books of the New Testament the notation in his Latin Bible published in 1696.
In his own translation, however, of Genesis and Exodus in the Arcana Caelestia, Swedenborg seems to have adopted a numbering of verses peculiar to himself, for it differs in several instances from the notation in every other version with which we have compared it : we have therefore corrected every citation of these two books in accordance with Swedenborg's own numbering.
In every case, however, where the notation employed in the Authorized English Version of the Bible differs from that of our adopted standard, we have noted the difference by placing the English numbering in parentheses.*
* See Preface to Second Edition.
Table of Contents
TABLE OF THE BOOKS OF THE DIVINE WORD (OLD TESTAMENT) Genesis ........................... 1 Exodus ............................ 20 Leviticus ......................... 35 Numbers ........................... 44 Deuteronomy ....................... 53 Joshua ............................ 63 Judges ............................ 67 I Samuel .......................... 70 II Samuel ......................... 74 I Kings ........................... 77 II Kings .......................... 81 Psalms ............................ 84 Isaiah ............................ 118 Jeremiah .......................... 151 Lamentations ...................... 175 Ezekiel ........................... 177 Daniel ............................ 198 Hosea ............................. 203 Joel .............................. 208 Amos .............................. 210 Obadiah ........................... 213 Jonah ............................. 213 Micah ............................. 214 Nahum ............................. 216 Habakkuk .......................... 217 Zephaniah ......................... 218 Haggai ............................ 220 Zechariah ......................... 220 Malachi ........................... 225 (NEW TESTAMENT) Matthew ........................... 227 Mark .............................. 245 Luke .............................. 251 John .............................. 264 Apocalypse ........................ 282 TABLE OF THE NON-CANONICAL BOOKS OF THE BIBLE (OLD TESTAMENT) Job ............................... 301 Song of Solomon ................... 304 Ezra .............................. 305 I Chronicles ...................... 305 II Chronicles ..................... 305 (NEW TESTAMENT) The Acts of the Apostles .......... 306 Romans ............................ 308 I Corinthians ..................... 310 II Corinthians .................... 312 Galatians ......................... 313 Ephesians ......................... 313 Philippians ....................... 314 Colossians ........................ 315 I Thessalonians ................... 315 II Thessalonians .................. 316 I Timoth .......................... 316 II Timothy ........................ 316 Titus ............................. 317 Philemon .......................... 317 Hebrews ........................... 317 James ............................. 319 I Peter ........................... 319 II Peter .......................... 320 I John ............................ 320 II John ........................... 321 III John .......................... 321 Jude .............................. 321 TITLES OF SWEDENBORG'S WRITINGS in chronological order, with the Abbreviations by which they are referred to in this Index. NOTE.-(i) The numbers refer to paragraphs unless otherwise stated below. (ii) The numbers of passages which contain quotations of the words of the text are printed in bold type, thus: A.E.294; the numbers of passages which contain merely references to chapter and verse are printed in ordinary type, thus: A.E.526. Bis and ter after a number signify that the text is quoted, respectively, twice and three times in that number. I-WRITINGS PUBLISHED BY HIMSELF A.C. ............ Arcana Caelestia. H.H. ............ Heaven and Hell. W.H. ............ White Horse. H.D. ............ Heavenly Doctrine. E.U. ............ Earths in the Universe. L.J. ............ Last Judgment. D.Lord .......... Doctrine concerning the Lord. D.S.S. .......... Doctrine concerning the Sacred Scripture. D.Life .......... Doctrine of Life. D.F. ............ Doctrine concerning Faith. C.L.J. .......... Continuation concerning the Last Judgment. D.L.W. .......... Divine Love and Wisdom. D.P. ............ Divine Providence. A.R. ............ Apocalypse Revealed. C.L. ............ Conjugial Love. B.E. ............ Brief-Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church. Intercourse ..... Intercourse of the Soul and the Body. T.C.R. .......... True Christian Religion. Ind.Mem. ........ Index of the Memorabilia contained in The True Christian Religion. Numbers in Roman figures. Theor. .......... Theorema, etc., at end of The True Christian Religion. II-POSTHUMOUS WRITINGS S.D. ............... Spiritual Diary. Smaller Diary ...... Smaller Diary (Diarium Minus). A.E. ............... Apocalypse Explained. Consummation ....... Consummation of the Age. Fragment included in Coronis, Swedenborg Society edition, 1931. De Domino .......... De Domino (The Lord). => Pages of the Latin De Ath. Symbolo .... De Athanasii Symbolo (The Athanasian Creed). => edition (De Domino => et de Athanasli Symbolo), => London, 1840 P.P. ............... Summary Exposition of the Internal Sense of the Prophets and Psalms. L. J. (posth.) ..... The Last Judgment (Posth.) (Appendix i to Diarium Spirituale). Paragraph numbers in Swedenborg Society edition, 1934. Five Mem. .......... Five Memorable Relations (in Appendix i to Diarium Spirituale). Included in Coronis, Swedenborg Society edition, 1931. De Verbo ........... De Verbo (The Word; Appendix ii to Diarium Spirituale). Div. Love .......... Divine Love. => Usually appended to Apocalypse Div. Wisd. ......... Divine Wisdom. => Explained. Charity ............ Charity. Paragraph numbers in Swedenborg Society edition, 1947. W. H. Appendix .... White Horse, Appendix. See Document 300. De Conjugio ........ De Conjugio (Marriage; Appendix iv to Diarium Spirituale). Pages of the Latin edition, Tubingen, 1860. De Justificatione .. De Justificatione (Justification; Appendix v to Diarium Spirituale). Pages of the Latin edition, Tubingen, 1860. Ans. ............... Answers to Hartley's Nine Questions concerning the Trinity. Canons ............. Canons of the New Church. Paragraph numbers in Swedenborg Society edition, 1954 S.C. ............... Scriptural Confirmations (Dicta Probantia). Pages of the English edition, London, 1906. Coronis ............ Coronis, or Appendix to The True Christian Religion. Invitation ......... Invitation to the New Church. (Appendix i to Diarum Spirituale). Included in Coronis, Swedenborg Society edition, 1931. Document ........... Various posthumous letters as contained in the Documents concerning Swedenborg, edited by Dr. R. L. Tafel, London, 1875. References are to the number of the Document, and pages of vol, ii.
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