Product Info
- Author: The Teaching Aids Committee of the American New Church Sunday School Association
- Publisher: Convention's Board of Education
- Publication Date: 1984
- Total Pages: 158
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Sunday School Activity Book - Volume 2
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This is the second of four Activity Books designed to accompany the Dole Bible Study Notes. The present volume contains the 40 lessons of Series IV as listed on pages xxviii and xxix of Volume 1 of the Notes.
The format assumes that you have already purchased the first Activity Book. In it are found jntroductory material as follows: pink pages, with basic recipes and how-to's, blue pages with project ideas, yellow pages, a manual of puppet construction and use. The pink, blue and yellow pages you have here in the present book follow those in the first book, so that you should remove them from this cover and add them to the proper sections of the previous book. There is now also an added section (green pages) on pageants.
The white pages contain 1) a new cumulative index, and 2) the Lesson pages, which follow the color pages. These pages have, in the upper corners, the lesson numbers as shown in the tables of contents of the six volumes of the Notes. They are not numbered consecutively. This is so that when you have all four Activity Books you can, if you want, arrange the lessons in Bible sequence.
The booklet is printed on punched paper to make it easy for teachers to remove sheets for photocopying.
This manual is copyrighted. Any Sunday School teacher has permission of the publishers to duplicate any pages for use in a Sunday School class. Any other reproduction without permission of the American New Church Sunday School Association is an infringement on the copyright.
Teaching Aids Committee
IMPORTANT NOTE: In using these Activity Books there are two things which are especially important to remember. First, look ahead. There are many lessons which require certain kinds of containers, such as baby food jars, meat trays, etc. You may need a month or so to enlist the aid of friends in collecting enough for all the members of the class. No good to look the week before and find you need seven cream cheese containers! Second, always make a sampleof the activity ahead of time, to be sure that you know how it goes together, and to find out whether you think your children will be able to handle it. Do this in time to plan an alternate activity if you think it wise.
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................... v To the New Teacher .............................. vii Warning! ........................................ ix BASIC TECHNIQUES (pink pages) Unleavened bread ................................ 3 Basic Cookie Recipe ............................. 4 Honey Wafers .................................... 4 Playdough ....................................... 5 Cornstarch Clay ................................. 6 Baker's Dough ................................... 6 Modeling tools .................................. 7 Aprons .......................................... 8 Glue ............................................ 9 Dry Mounting with Rubber Cement ................. 10 Toxic Substances ................................ 10 Bible Text ...................................... 11 Letter Home ..................................... 11 What About Money? ............................... 11 Printing Techniques ............................. 12 Enlarging with a Grid ........................... 13 Getting it Home in One Piece .................... 14 Save Everything ................................. 15 You Have Helpers ................................ 15 Tapa ............................................ 16 Animal Cracker Pins ............................. 17 Fun-Jell ........................................ 17 Box for Playing Cards ........................... 18 Hectograph Recipes .............................. 19 Fake Plastic .................................... 20 Bread Dough Modeling Compound ................... 20 Clothespin Dolls ................................ 21 Games ........................................... 22 PROJECT IDEAS (blue pages) Banners ......................................... 103 Flannel boards .................................. 105 Village of the Holy Land ........................ 106 Sand Table ...................................... 107 Sunday School Bulletin Board .................... 108 Advent Wreath ................................... 109 Play Corner ..................................... 110 PUPPETS IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL (yellow pages) Storytelling House .............................. 206 Finger Puppets .................................. 207 Finger Puppet Stages ............................ 208 Ready Quick Puppets ............................. 209 Rod Puppets ..................................... 210 Real Puppets with a Real Stage .................. 211 Table-top and Free-standing Stages .............. 218 Hanging Stage ................................... 220 Outfitting the Stage ............................ 221 Cardboard Box Stage ............................. 221 Paper Bag Puppets ............................... 222 More Paper Bag Puppets .......................... 223 Still More Paper Bag Puppets .................... 224 Finger Walking Puppets .......................... 225 Peanut Shell Puppets ............................ 226 PAGEANTS (green pages) How to Get Started .............................. 303 Sample Pageant .................................. 305 Costumes, Music, Publicity ...................... 307 Costumes Illustrated ............................ 308 Costume Construction ............................ 310 2-D Cardboard Extravaganza ...................... 322
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