Product Info

  • Author: The Teaching Aids Committee of the American New Church Sunday School Association
  • Publisher: Convention's Board of Education
  • Publication Date: 1984
  • Total Pages: 150

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Sunday School Activity Book - Volume 4

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This book is the fourth part of a 4-volume set of activities to accompany the Dole Bible Study Notes -163 lessons in all.

The present section contains the 40 lessons of Series II as indicated on pages xxviii and xxix of Volume I of the Notes, plus the five lessons for New Church Day found in Appendix 1 of Volume 6.

The first part of this Activity Book contains introductory pages. Then follow the color pages, which have basic recipes and how-to's, project ideas, instructions for making puppets, and pageant plans. They are numbered sequentially with similar color pages in the first three books. After the color pages are the Lesson Pages. These are identified by lesson number, according to Series II of the Dole Notes. There may be one or more sheets of activity ideas for each lesson.

We will not go into the reasons why the Activity Book was begun with Series III, but acknowledge that this has possibly made it difficult for many of you to arrange your books. In this final book we have tried to bring all loose ends together at the end of this four-year project, so here are some suggestions for arranging your books:

  1. Extract pages vii-ix and all the color pages from the white, yellow and red covers and place them in their correct order in the front of the blue cover. This will place all the general instructions at the beginning of Volume 1.
  2. Remove the chart of lessons for Series III from this book and place it just before the lesson pages in the white cover (we carelessly omitted this chart from the first book we published).
  3. Remove and discard the tables of contents from the white and yellow covers. (The table of contents in this book is cumulative and will serve for the whole set.)
  4. If you wish, you may arrange all the lesson pages in lesson-number sequence. This is the way they appear in the Dole Notes. Because the projects are mainly aimed at Sunday Schools using the four-year plan, and because the projects were worked out in the process of actually teaching classes in this series order, they are printed in this way.

We urge all teachers to reread occasionally the general suggestions for teachers found on pages vii-ix to refresh mind and spirit. And we emphatically recommend that you make each project yourself before class time so that you are sure you have all the materials and can do the putting together properly. This is a must for good performance, unless you are a really experienced craftsperson!

And LOOK AHEAD! If you are going to need six milk cartons or six oatmeal boxes, Saturday nignt is too late to discover it. You'll want to ask friends to save these materials for you - weeks in advance.

This booklet is printed on punched paper to make it easier for teachers to remove sheets for photocopying.

Teaching Aids Committee

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................ v
To the New Teacher .................................. vii
Warning! ............................................ ix


Un1eavened Bread .................................... 3
Basic Cookie Recipe ................................. 4
Honey Wafers ........................................ 4
Playdough ........................................... 5
Cornstarch Clay ..................................... 6
Baker's Dough ....................................... 6
Modeling Tools ...................................... 7
Aprons .............................................. 8
Glue ................................................ 9
Dry Mounting with Rubber Cement ..................... 10
Toxic Substances .................................... 10
Bible Text .......................................... 11
Letter Home ......................................... 11
What About Money? ................................... 11
Printing Techniques ................................. 12
Enlarging with a Grid ............................... 13
Getting it Home in One Piece ........................ 14
Save Everything ..................................... 15
You Have Helpers .................................... 15
Tapa ................................................ 16
Animals for Pins or Pendants ........................ 17
Fun-Jell ............................................ 17
A Box for Playing Cards ............................. 18
Make Your Own Duplicator ............................ 19
Fake Plastic ........................................ 20
Bread Dough Modeling Compound ....................... 20
Clothespin Dolls .................................... 21
Games ............................................... 22
People and Animals .................................. 23
Monk's Cord ......................................... 35
Frosted Glass ....................................... 35
Preserve Fall Leaves ................................ 35
Tasty Stick-em ...................................... 36
Sand Clay ........................................... 36
Salt Ceramics ....................................... 36
Finger Paint ........................................ 36

PROJECT IDEAS (blue pages)

Banners ............................................. 103
Flannel Boards ...................................... 105
Village of the Holy Land ............................ 106
Sand Table .......................................... 107
Sunday School Bulletin Board ........................ 108
Advent Wreath ....................................... 109
Play Corner for Kindergarten Class .................. 110
Rhythm Instruments .................................. 111
Musical Instruments in the Bible .................... 114
Stuffed Toys: Large Colt or Donkey .................. 115
              Small Colt or donkey .................. 117
Stuffed Toys: Flat Camel ............................ 118
              Small Colt and Sheep .................. 119
              Lion .................................. 120
Box Village and Little Figures for Storytelling ..... 121
Middle Size People Pattern .......................... 122
Clothes for Middle Size People ...................... 123
Large Stuffed Doll .................................. 124
Clothing for Large Doll ............................. 126
Simple Alphabet for Banners, etc. ................... 127
Breastplate of the High Priest ...................... 128
Bulletin Board Projects ............................. 129
Creation Card Game .................................. 130
Spool Animals ....................................... 133
Double Slot Technique for Standing Figures .......... 135
Stand-up Animals for Table or Sand Box .............. 136


The Puppet as a Class Member ........................ 203
Sock Puppet and House ............................... 204
Storytelling with Puppets ........................... 205
Storytelling House .................................. 206
Finger Puppets ...................................... 207
Finger Puppet Stages ................................ 208
Ready Quick Puppets ................................. 209
Rod Puppets ......................................... 210
Real Puppets with a Real Stage ...................... 211
Table-top and Freestanding Stages ................... 218
Hanging Puppet Stage ................................ 219
Outfttting the Stage ................................ 220
Cardboard Box Stage ................................. 221
Paper Bag Puppets ................................... 222
Finger Walking Puppet ............................... 225
Peanut Shell Puppets ................................ 226
Donkey or Colt Puppet Pattern ....................... 227
The Story of Gideon - a Puppet Play ................. 229
Dragon Marionette ................................... 231

PAGEANTS (green pages)

How to Get Started .................................. 303
The Great Supper - Sample Pageant ................... 305
Costumes, Music, Publicity .......................... 307
Authentic Costumes .................................. 308
Making Costumes: Hebrew Garments .................... 310
                 Priest's Garments .................. 311
                 Eqyptian Woman's Headdress ......... 311
                 Egyptian Loin Cloth, Cape, Crown ... 312
                 Roman Soldier ...................... 313
                 Footwear ........................... 314
                 Roman Toga ......................... 315
                 Animals ............................ 316
                 Quickies ........................... 319
Dragon .............................................. 320
2-D Cardboard Extravaganza .......................... 321 
Japanese Puppet Theater ............................. 322
All the Fixin's ..................................... 323
Masks ............................................... 324
Flameproofing Fabrics ............................... 324

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